Online Course

Eddie Shleyner - Transformational Landing Pages ꕔ❍❒

Compel more landing pages visitors to buy, download, or subscribe.

Hosted by
Eddie Shleyner
I’m a copywriter, content marketer, and the founder of VeryGoodCopy


A small sample of what's inside TLP:

9 cohesive modules and 86 "micro" video lessons, all clear and concise and focused.

A template you can fill in as you take the course, so at the end you'll have a landing page you can begin testing immediately.

A process and approach to create high-performing landing pages as well as emails and other conversion assets

how to use classic direct-response techniques — traditionally used on B2C products — in completely different contexts: SaaS, B2B, tech.

Who It's for

Anyone promoting content, including courses, podcasts, seminars and webinars, conferences, books and audio books, articles, templates and cheat sheets, reports, and more.

Anyone promoting consulting or coaching services.

Anyone promoting demo signups, including SaaS companies, agencies, and more.

What you will learn

Module - One & Two:

✅ Believe it or not, my salient goal when creating this course had nothing to do with landing pages. (But because it was created around this goal — with this purpose — you're much more likely to retain and actually apply all of the conversion-boosting techniques and principles I teach to every landing page you create moving forward.)

I used the best college course I ever took as the foundation for teaching TLP. (I wasn’t even passionate about the subject… but the way my professor taught the course made absorbing the lessons effortless, even addictive, which is why I borrowed his techniques to teach you).

✅ Even good copywriters commit this typical landing page mistake, making it incredibly difficult (maybe even impossible) to achieve a high conversion rate.

This “classic” teaching method I use throughout TLP will literally create new neural pathways in your brain. (So the lessons are not only satisfying but also vivid, memorable.)

✅ One of the greatest copywriters of the 20th century worked by this simple, 14-word motto — and it still applies today (especially to landing pages).

The best landing pages work to achieve these 4 core objectives. (Those that don’t could be leaving untold conversions on the table.)

✅ This is among the worst landing pages I’ve ever seen — and it was created by a renown marketer! (If they can make these mistakes, anyone can.)

This “ideal landing page” is your transformational blueprint: use it with the companion template (clearly labeled, color-coordinated, and even presented side-by-side) so you’ll never have to think when formatting a landing page.

Module - Three & Four:

✅ This foundational difference between copywriting and in-person sales actually drives every “mass sales” asset (including your next landing page).

For decades, marketers have been utterly derailed by this “accepted" research mistake. But there's a lesser known yet more effective (not to mention easier) way to understand and deeply connect with your audience. Here's how.

✅ How to write honest, authentic, remarkably personal landing page copy. (This principle forever changed my research process.)

It’s a matter of fact: the stories and ideas people genuinely connect with — and feel mostly profoundly — are born here. (Use them to build your landing pages.)

✅ How to make your landing page copy sound “unnatural” and “contrived” and “shallow” (even if you’re a fine writer).

Many elite copywriters embrace this unorthodox ethos. (It’s the essence of our craft, what makes this discipline so beautiful — and lucrative.)

✅ “Truth Serum” interviews: use this 2-step technique to keep customers talking, sharing honest insights about your product or service.

The most important section (i.e., “divider”) of your landing page has these 6 essential elements (i.e., “links”), each with its own specific purpose (i.e., “mission”) to fulfill. Complete breakdown inside.

✅ This concept helped Joe Sugarman create some of the most successful print ads of all time. (Now you can use it to create undeniably addictive landing pages.)

Confusion kills conversions: so use this special type of sentence to create unquestionable clarity for visitors (the moment they open your page, too).

✅ This is the simplest, most repeatable way I know to write landing page headlines that capture attention and resonate with the appropriate market.

This technique has been used by history’s most persuasive people. (Let me show you how to apply it to your next landing page, creating “vivid worlds” in the mind’s eye of the prospect).

✅ Human psychology tells us that motivating anyone to do just about anything (including converting on your landing page) boils down to these 3 incentives.

This mechanism is like “conversion insurance” for your landing page. (Designed specifically for on-the-fence prospects, you can use it to reliably capture emails for re-marketing.)

✅ How to use images to compliment (and ideally enhance) the copy on your landing page.

The “forgotten” conversion rule: many landing pages don’t follow it, which seems unconscionable to me (because it will almost always decrease bounce rate).

✅ What should you create first: your ad or your landing page? (Get it right because your campaign could depend on it.)

Module - Five & Six:

✅ This is hands down the single-most important copywriting skill: part art, part science, it will forever be used by direct marketers to create the intense curiosity and intrigue so often present before action.

Nothing propelled my copywriting career further and faster than this deceptively simple exercise. (Do it five days a week for a month, and your writing will drastically improve. Do it five days a week for a year, and you’ll write better landing pages than most professional copywriters.)

✅ Need to book more demo calls? Use this step-by-step process to create your demo-request page.

“Clickbait” vs great copy: here are 3 easy ways to tell the difference.

✅ This is probably the hardest, most intimidating way to write copy. (Avoid it to preserve your confidence and writer better copy, faster.)

This is the most significant productivity strategy I learned from my creative mentor: prolific author, cartoonist, screenwriter, and co-founder of The Onion, Scott Dikkers.

✅ By simply combining these 2 elements, you’re almost guaranteed to make the claims on your landing page more believable. (And no, neither one is “social proof”.)

Why long copy is often more compelling and persuasive than short copy (demonstrated using this 58-word vs a 19-word example).

✅ How to basically “force” your landing page visitors to read your copy. (Don’t worry, people actually enjoy this — and even welcome it.)

“Jargon as a Strategy” (JaaS): when, why, and how to use industry-specific terms and acumen on your landing page (and when to absolutely avoid it).

✅ Consciously or otherwise, these 2 “word types” almost always repel prospects, especially if you’re selling an info-product. (No, these words are not “jargon” but they can be just as common.)

How to “program” your brain to quickly and repeatedly write compelling hooks for headlines, subject lines, fascinations, etc. using my unique, 3-step process: I hold nothing back, demonstrating each step against 18 clear examples. (Plus: I share a template you can use to visually and systematically develop this skill until it’s like second nature.)

✅ How to find the most compelling and valuable tidbits in a sea of information. (And then use those tidbits to “fascinate” any type of content: audio, video, or writing.)

The “Curse of Knowledge” antidote: this little-known ‘if/then’ technique will help you see your writing objectively (no matter how close you are to it).

✅ 18 “fascination filters” you can apply to basically any piece of information (as long as it’s valuable to your market) to create irresistible headlines, subheads, email subject lines, and more.

This subtle “punctuation trick” can revitalize an old product, making it feel new, fresh, and exciting to your market again. (It can also be used to differentiate a commodity.)

Module - Seven & Eight:

✅ You must assume every visitor to your landing page is asking this all-important question. (Because your conversion rate depends on how well you answer it.)

This feeling is behind just about every conversion on your landing page. (Discover how to create it — harness it, convey it — and your conversions should soar.)

✅ “America’s Greatest Living Copywriter” shared the smartest, most effective way to display logos and awards in a sales letter. (I applied his methodology to landing pages and response went up.)

How to design guarantees for paid products vs free products.

✅ The “psychology” of statistics: when numbers work for you — and possibly against you.

✅ Instant credibility: properly leveraging this evolutionary trait (present in all humans) can make people immediately trust your claims — without even reading all of your copy.

✅ How to edit, format, and display testimonials for maximum readability — and effect.

Combine this tool, template, and technique to put your testimonial collection on auto-pilot. (Simply set it up and let it run — and social proof for your landing page will continuously come to you.)

✅ 4 ways to reliably “manufacture” urgency on your landing page, creating offers that compel visitors to act much faster. (In some cases, these techniques will even create a feeding frenzy the moment you launch your campaign.)

Is your conversion rate stifled due to this (obscenely common) landing page blunder?

✅ "Conversion cannibalization”: what is it, why it happens, and why it can sometimes be a necessary evil.

This tactic turns a lowly call-to-action button into a rich conversion divider (without making your landing page look and feel too busy).

Module -Nine:

✅ Give me 5 minutes and I’ll give you the testing strategy that helped Eugene Schwartz sell over $100M per year in books. (Yes, it’s absolutely transferable to landing pages.)

Exactly what to do after your test fails. (Don’t worry, you won’t need to recreate the entire page.)

✅ How to keep improving your landing page’s conversion rate for months or even years (especially if it’s already performing very well.)

This exclusive offer is only available to TLP students after they complete the course.

Leslie's Hot Take

Eddie takes you from beginner to completed

If you are trying to convert a higher rate off your landing page, Eddie takes you from beginner to completed project in this course.  He has an incredibly relatable and friendly approach, making complex concepts easy to grasp.  Packed full of real-world examples you can start building landing pages while you are taking the course.  For marketers, to copywriters, to coaches, Eddie makes it simple to win and the course testimonials speak for themselves.

Leslie Douglas

VP of Sponsor Sales, Host

Don't just take our word for it

What people are saying

Eddie walked me through his system on a 1:1 consultation call. He explained the principles and showed me the techniques he used to create landing pages. I used what Eddie taught me to write landing pages for my courses, which, so far, have surpassed $4.5 million in sales.

Justin Welsh

Founder @ The Saturday Solopreneur

Shout out to Eddie Shleyner for rewriting my newsletter landing page. The one I wrote was good, but what he did doubled my conversion rate. Phenomenal work. I’m really grateful. Not only was the campaign a huge success, but it opened my eyes to a new way of creating content.

Devin Reed

Head of Content @ Clari

We hired Eddie to create the landing page for an upcoming lead-gen webinar we were hosting. Eddie's version drove unprecedented results: 5X clickthrough rate and easily 3X overall conversions. It was truly amazing.

Esther Trapadoux

Principle Growth Marketing Manager @ Amplitude

Eddie was the Copy Chief at for almost 3 years. He would routinely get our campaign landing pages converting at over 60 percent — especially those promoting content or information, reports, articles, webinars, even sales demos.

Adam Goyette

frm. VP of Marketing @ G2 & Founder @ Curdis

Meet your instructor

Meet your instructors

Eddie Shleyner

Eddie Shleyner is a copywriter, content marketer, and founder of VeryGoodCopy.

He's also a LinkedIn “Top Voice” in Marketing & Advertising.

He's the former Copy Chief at, where he owned copywriting and worked with a world-class team of marketers for ~3 years. He was named “Marketing MVP of the Year” shortly before G2 announced its Series D funding at a $1.1 billion valuation. Eddie left G2 to continue building the VeryGoodCopy newsletter, which is now growing ~100 subscribers a day.

VeryGoodCopy won HackerNoon’s “Email Newsletter of the Year” award in 2022 and again in 2023.

When he's not working on VGC, Eddie writes copy and strategizes marketing campaigns for companies, including Google, Drift, Ramp, Gong, Metadata, Help Scout, Gympass, Whereby, Justin Welsh, Planful, Clari, Yelp, Amplitude, Printful, Runway, Haloo, TestRail, and many more.