Live Training

Jason Bay - Outbound Sprint

Live training to help AEs and SDRs self-source more qualified opportunities from outbound
Hosted by
Jason Bay
Helping you turn complete strangers into paying customers.


Program Overview

4-week program

Interact in 8 live workshops with Jason

Lifetime access to templates, scripts, and playbooks

Lifetime access to cohort

Lifetime access to Outbound Foundations course

Who It's for

AEs who want to self-source more opportunities through outbound and rely less on SDR and marketing support to hit their number.

SDRs/BDRs who want to land more high-quality meetings that convert into qualified opportunities.

This program is NOT for reps looking for quick fix shortcuts or hacks

What you will learn

  • The Outbound Equation
  • Self-sourcing best practices for AEs
  • ICP & Persona creation
  • Cold email fundamentals
  • Cold calling fundamentals
  • Social selling
  • Personalization at scale
  • And much more
Leslie's Hot Take

Outbound Squad’s standard access program is sure to get you more meetings.  Period.

Not just fluff and theory, it is HOW to do your job.  If you are an SDR or BDR or early in your AE journey, this is a great way to ensure success in your sales career.  Fundamentals, but with real time application. Jason is an incredibly skilled sales pro, a down to earth trainer with the best attitude and examples that help me understand the concepts presented. 
I know you will walk away confident & armed with strong sales strategies.

Leslie Douglas

VP of Sponsor Sales, Host

Don't just take our word for it

What people are saying

I started to see results from outbound Squad when I was having call reluctance once I started to just rip the Band-Aid off and make calls using the talk tracks we came up with I started seeing immediate results I made 30 calls in a day and landed three meetings! 

Nicole R

associate broker at Bolton & Company

I was on the hunt for knowledge and an environment to grow in the support in outbound squad has been awesome I started seeing results within the first couple of weeks I started Landing meetings off my call tracks and getting better engagement from my emails

Aaron B

account executive at Orem

the support I get an outbound Squad is absolutely tremendous the result I am most proud of is utilizing what I've learned to make six figures for the first time in my sales career it was hit with three months left to go in the year and I was able to buy my dream car a long range Tesla Model 3 

Brendan D

Sales Consultant at Altisales

If I look back to a year ago from where I am now I'd be happy if I got two to three quality meetings per month when I look back at the last month without bound Squad I've been able to book 10 qualified meetings with my key personas 

Jordan P

Enterprise account executive at zendesk

Meet your instructor

Meet your instructors

Jason Bay

Jason Bay is Founder & CEO at Outbound Squad™. He’s on a mission to help reps and sales teams turn complete strangers into paying customers. A few of their clients include reps and sales teams from companies like Zoom, CBRE, Medallia, Xfinity, Gong, and many more. Sales is the only "adult job" he’s ever had. And he’s done everything from selling house painting services door to door, running outbound call centers, to helping thousands of reps become world-class sellers.