Personalization vs. Relevance: Find Out Which to Use in Cold Emails

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Two things that work best in cold email outreach: relevance and personalization.

But do you know how to choose which one to use?

Some experts say relevance is more important, but others insist that personalization is what matters most. We brought in two experts, one from each side of the fence.

Learn how to write personalized and relevant emails, steal their real-world examples, and hear their take on what is important to include in every message.

What You'll Learn:

  • Key differences between relevance and personalization
  • How to pick and apply the best approach
  • Real-world examples for both approaches


Leslie Douglas
Leslie Douglas
Leslie Douglas
VP of Sponsorships
Sell Better
Dariia Gerasymova
Dariia Gerasymova
Dariia Gerasymova
Sales Growth
Patrick Trümpi
Patrick Trümpi
Patrick Trümpi
Co-Founder & CRO
