Speaking Event

Sales Kick-off Sessions [SKO]

If you're looking for a way to fire up your Sales Kick Off and get your reps excited and energized for the new year, look no further than the expert sales trainers at Sell Better by JB Sales.

It's our mission to ensure your reps come out of the kickoff excited and motivated with a toolkit full of the latest tactics and strategies geared to help them sell better!

Sell Better Trainers
Trusted by 500,000+ front-line sales reps at companies like:



We have full-day, and shorter 1-2 hour interactive training sessions, tailored to fit your event.

Sessions cover a range of sales topics, including prospecting, objection handling, sales process, negotiating skills, closing techniques, and personal development and productivity. Interactive group exercise included.

Full day programs


Filling the Funnel. Most sales problems are solved with a full pipeline. Filling the Funnel will teach you exactly how to build yours.


Driving to Close. Learn actionable techniques for maintaining urgency, handling objections, negotiating and closing out deals.


Customer Success. Effectively upsell, expand, retain, and renew existing accounts with tools and tactics taken from the customer success playbook and delivered for sales professionals.

Short programs


Sales Ready Messaging. Learn a specific equation to create sales-ready messaging that your team can use in their prospect/client outreach, that drives measurable results.


Objective Negotiations. Create a customized scorecard that you can use to objectively measure the health of any opportunity in your pipeline that will improve forecast accuracy and give managers a coaching tool to drive real results.

Other topics

  • LinkedIn for Prospecting
  • Multithreading
  • Objection Handling
  • Social Selling
  • Driving Urgency
  • Time & Energy Management
  • Efficient Research
  • Questions for Closing


Remote programs starting at $7k and on-site programs starting at $20k