3 Strategies to Avoid No-Shows in Your Sales Meetings

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Show notes

You’ve put in the work, and your prospect agrees to a meeting. Fantastic!

But then the meeting time comes and goes, and they didn’t show up, you’ve been ghosted. Now what?

Richard Smith, Head of Growth at MySalesCoach, joined us to share what you can do if you’re faced with this situation. Plus, he walked us through his proven strategies to avoid no-shows in the first place and proactively avoid this situation.

What You'll Learn:

  • How to ensure when booking the meeting that they will make it
  • Strategies before the meeting to guarantee they attend
  • What to do if prospects don’t show up to a meeting


Will Aitken
Will Aitken
Will Aitken
Will Aitken
Richard Smith
Richard Smith
Richard Smith
Head of Growth
