3x Your Win Rate With These Multi-Threading Strategies

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Show notes

80% of reps lose deals because they aren’t comfortable involving multiple decision-makers.

Watch and learn how to become one of the few people who master the art of looping multiple stakeholders in on any deal.

Find out when, where, and how to leverage multi-threading to speed up your sales cycle and win more deals.

What You'll Learn:
  • How to multi-thread your way to a higher win rate
  • How to identify top stakeholders and involve them early
  • Effective strategies for looping in big decision-makers


Leslie Douglas
Leslie Douglas
Leslie Douglas
VP of Sponsorships
Sell Better
Krysten Conner
Krysten Conner
Krysten Conner
Sales Strategist
Jason Bay
Jason Bay
Jason Bay
Founder & CEO
Outbound Squad
