How to Write A Cold Email That Converts

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Show notes

In sales, research has shown that there’s only a 23.9% chance your cold email will even be opened. And just 8.5% will get a response.

But not if you know the right strategies.

Watch as we review and rewrite cold emails. Walk away with a clear understanding of how to write better cold emails that earn higher conversion rates.

What You'll Learn:

  • How to effectively edit your own 1st draft cold emails
  • Actionable tips on improving cold emails across the board
  • Proven strategies for higher conversions


James Buckley
James Buckley
James Buckley
Content Creator & Host
Sell Better
Lydia Hutchison
Lydia Hutchison
Lydia Hutchison
Head of Business Development
Acryl Data
Mor Assouline
Mor Assouline
Mor Assouline
