Use This Framework to Convert More Cold Emails Into Booked Meetings

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Show notes

We’ve all been there. You send a cold email and hear crickets in reply.  

But what if you had a proven way to influence the outcome of your outreach, and engage more prospects?

Rachel Shi shared her framework to approach prospects with a “give first” mentality, with breakdowns of cold emails that hit the right triggers and generated great responses.

What You'll Learn:

  • The best strategies for higher cold email response rates
  • Why your outreach should have greater transparency and clearer expectations
  • How a give-first mentality and help-first approach results in better service and increased revenues


James Buckley
James Buckley
James Buckley
Content Creator & Host
Sell Better
Rachel Shi
Rachel Shi
Rachel Shi
Coach & Sales Strategist
RS Strategic Advisory
